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Stock Support and Resistance
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Support and Resistance price levels
Stock chart of support and resistance
  • Stock resistance is a price level at or above the current price which provides resistance against any upward movement. ie. The stock may rally to resistance.(labeled as red lines on the 8 month chart)
  • Stock support is a price level(or area) at or below the current price which provides support against any downward movement. ie. The stock may pullback to support.(labeled as blue lines on the 8 month chart)
  • A neutral "support or resistance" price level provides resistance from upward movement and support from downward movement. ie. The stock is stuck at this price level.(labeled as a grey line on the 8 month chart)
  • Resistance and support levels are shown as price areas having a width (+ and -) in stock points.
Support and Resistance types and strength
Stock Support and Resistance types and strength
  • Support and resistance types vary from the weakest Single (S), Double (D), Triple (T) to strongest more than Triple (T+). (S,D,T,and T+ are the labels used on the 8 month stock chart)
  • The type refers to the number times a stock has been rejected at resistance or bounced off support areas over the past 8 months (Single=1 time, Double=2 times, Triple=3 times, Triple+= more than 3 times). The more times the stronger the resistance or support area.
    • Triple resistance stock chart example:
      Triple resistance stock chart
  • Support and resistance areas have a strength which varies from 1-10. This number represents the amount of stock accumulation or distribution volume at each area as shown on the chart above.
  • Weak support and resistance areas created with light distribution or accumulation volume have a strength from 1-3.
Support and Resistance Tips
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